Falling For U

“The bad news is you’re falling through the air, nothing to hang on to, no parachute. The good news is, there’s no ground.” — Chögyam Trungpa

This quote has such a grip on me! It’s real! It gives me this visceral sensation of awareness, as well as a profound sense of what it means to truly live.

The way I see it, this “ground” and the belief that it exists, is one of the greatest sources of all our anxiety. The other source is resisting or denying the “falling”.

I have to remind myself that it is a luxury to pursue my passion. Staying in touch with this truth, along with a profound sense of gratitude, for the privilege to pursue my dreams is crucial. When I get further than I like to be from this truth, I know it’s time to get grounded again.

I’m brought to tears when I think of the time I wasted not appreciating my particular kinds of privilege, and it feels like slamming back into my true self. Guess you can call it a reality check.

You’re on your path, and WE are falling. It’s incredible to fall! Congratulations!

I’m energized by figuring out new ways to fall more gracefully and to know when to let it rip.

This is it. The dream. Well, part of it at least. It’s not all unicorns and fairy dust. It’s fire, it’s lighting, and darkness too. We need all of it.

Respecting and accepting it all as a whole is one of the keys to how I stay motivated.

Just something I was thinking about.

Enjoy the fall.

Ehlie Luna