8 Fashion Brands I'm Loving - Buy Black

Hey love,

I’m coming across a lot of “100 Black Owned Brands To Support Now & Forever” lists and we love to see it!

The thing is I found they were either super high end or streetwear. I’m personally somewhere in the middle.

I imagined some people might feel overwhelmed by all the lists though, so I went through a bunch of them and picked out some faves.

Consider this a starting point :)

Let’s Go Shopping:

  1. Hanifa

2. Tongoro

3. NL The Label

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4. Sincerely, Tommy

5. Slashed By Tia

6. Andrea Iyamah

7. Vavvoune

8. Coco and Breezy

Check out these aesthetic af black owned skincare brands I’m obsessing over.

Thumbnail Image Credit: Robert Andall aka @futuristicmind at Unspalsh

Ehlie Luna