5 Tips To Stand Out As A Content Creator

Let’s get straight into it. As a content creator there’s a sense that the space is way too crowded.

You might feel like everyone’s done everything and there’s no room for you.

Well first let’s start with clearing this up, because it’s just not true. There’s room.

A few common reasons you might think you’ll inevitably drown in a sea of cut creases and TikTok trends:

  1. Not feeling creative enough.

  2. Consuming way more than creating and getting down on your own ideas or yourself.

  3. Not feeling good enough.

  4. Not feeling knowledgeable enough.

  5. Believing you have nothing of value to contribute and everything has been done.

Now before we go on, let’s take a look at those 5 reasons. What do they all have in common?

Any guesses?

They all inspire a feeling of lack.

In some way they’re all connected to the whole “not enough” thing. If no one has told you this, let me be the first:

You are more than enough.

Why am I saying this? Well, as it turns out the secret culprit behind the feeling that it’s impossible to stand out is the deeply held belief that you have to be someone other than who you are.

By now you’re either with me or thinking, ok Ehlie…what’s your point? I didn’t come here for this, and to that I say - ok fine let’s get into tactical stuff.

Try this to set yourself apart:

  1. Cultural touchstones - Mine your memories for those pieces of art and pop culture that shaped you. Was it an album? A painting? A movie? Try doing a deep dive into the works of those creators and others like them. Try to understand what the connection is for you and why you love them, then try to bring that feeling into your work.

  2. Every and anywhere - Everything you consume can inspire you. Creative cross pollination is magical. Maybe there’s an editing technique you saw in a horror movie that can work for your content. If you like the way Nat Geo does their voiceovers, try that. You might start a trend.

  3. Experiment - Play with different ideas. Last summer I got into the habit of doing stories every day then shooting and posting. Over time I had to disrupt my process. I started trying different formats, injecting humor, “acting” and so much more. It helps keep things fresh, which in turn helps me stay inspired.

  4. This is the remix - We live in an age of viral videos. Trends come and go. Some suggest a very specific approach and sometimes that’s totally the way to go. Another way to approach it is to think “how can I put my spin on this?” If you could re-design a trend, what would it look like? This kind of reframing helps the brain work differently. You never know what you’ll come up with.

  5. Learn from visual artists - Youtube university saves the day. There are so many incredible filmmakers sharing tons of info and resources there. Don’t stop at watching a video on how to adjust the settings on your camera. Search DIY hacks and tricks they use on set. You might find a special quality to add to your work.

    Clubhouse is definitely another place to learn and be sure to step into the less obvious spaces for you to be in. It’s also just very special any time you get to listen to others talk about their passions.

This isn’t an exhaustive list by any means, but following these 5 tips for the next 2-3 months, I can pretty much guarantee you’ll not only have more fun creating but you’ll definitely see your content evolve and develop a more unique voice.

I’d love to hear any of your suggestions, what would you add to this list?

Let me know on Instagram!



Ehlie Luna