Will Amazon Be The Next Sephora?

So before we get into it, let’s acknowledge that Amazon is pretty problematic.

While many of us have changed some of our purchasing habits to be more mindful and intentional, even those of us with the purest of intentions eventually succumb to those little urgent purchases that need to be delivered in 1-2 days with Amazon Prime.

Let me ask you this, do you think of Amazon when you want to re-up on the more high end products you love?

Probably not, but get this: Beauty is trailing right behind groceries as one of Amazon’s fastest growing categories.

Pre-pandemic there was already talk of it quickly becoming the go to for beauty purchases, however the platform saw a spike in their beauty sales during the big Q of 2020.

Remember when everyone wondered why Haus Labs was on Amazon?

Well it turns out they knew something we didn’t know.

Bezoz has been growing this sector of his business for over a decade. In recent years that growth has accelerated with beauty becoming more accessible in general.

It’s funny, I can definitely remember a time when Amazon and beauty did’t go together. I guess it’s not sexy to buy our beauty products at the same place we can buy books, groceries or even clothes. I mean the experience screams digital Walmart

Our needs are changing and so are our perspectives.

Ultimately it’s about being where the consumer is and removing as much friction as possible.

2020 was almost nothing but friction. So while brick and mortar destinations like Ulta and Sephora struglgled with shipping and saw store closures, Amazon was the obvious choice for many, ordering away while safely tucked in their homes living that lockdown life.

About 30% of all beauty related products sold online are purchased on Amazon. That’s pretty wild! A third y’all!

Idk about you, but I love being able to go into a store like Sephora to sample things, test them and get a sense for how I like them. So far the digital space hasn’t truly solved for that yet.

At the same time, I love saving time and filling my cart from my living room, from bed or while multitasking. The convenience is unbeatable.

Who knows what the future will hold.

This is super interesting though! What do you think?

Ehlie Luna2 Comments