How I’m Recovering After Fibroid Surgery
The learning has been endless on this journey. I want to share everything I think will be useful to you if you find yourself not knowing what to expect or what to do after surgery. A lifetime of anemia combined with not having enough information lead to this point. I’ve been plant based for 8 years and more ingredients savvy for about 3 years. My cycle started when I was 11 and my mother & grandmother also had myomas (no one ever thought to tell me this).
Several factors lead me here.
It’s likely that I’ll come back and edit this but for now it felt urgent to get this out.
Keep a pillow close to hold against your incision when you need to cough, or sneeze.
Use the spirometer. You don’t want to end up with pneumonia on top of all this.
Also take special care, getting in and out of bed. Try to resist hunching over, and walk every day.
These things helped me get through it. I hope you find them useful.
There are other aspects of healing that one can’t possibly prepare for. Despite the pain, there’s a mental aspect that was more than I could’ve anticipated but going into this I knew there had to be a balance of management and surrender. I’m still walking that tightrope, but it’s getting better. One day at a time.