To The Mothers We Miss

Another Mother’s Day without you. If feels like the holiday shouldn’t exist since you’ve been gone, but I know that’s because without you, my entire world stopped for a while and hasn’t spun the same since.

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Ehlie Luna
Quarantine Brow Game

Ok, so we’re stuck inside and we’ve accepted this new reality after the initial shock of learning our brow techs are not “essential". Safety first of course.

We do need to figure out these brows though!

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Ehlie Luna
11 Self Care Saturday/Sunday Ideas

At my best, there’s a little #selfcaresunday sprinkled throughout my week. At my “trying my best” it happens over the weekend.

This isn’t the bubble bath version though. We’re going to cover mind, body and spirit (and no, there won’t be any sweat involved). This self care routine will leave you walking taller, feeling calmer and literally like you’ve hit your inner reset button.

I’m so excited to share this list with you because it’s been a game changer for me. Of course, take what resonates and leave what doesn’t.

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Ehlie Luna
Best Quarantine Workouts

I’m so excited to share these workouts I’ve been loving! There’s yoga, HIIT, stretching and more. The fitness space on Instagram, YouTube and in you apps store is a lot (lucky for us) but it can feel overwhelming to sift through. If you’re like me, you like to switch up workouts depending on the mood, energy and motivation levels.

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Ehlie Luna
Quarantine Dreams

Overall, I am strangely calm, and I’m not sure how to feel about it besides grateful. So, I’ve resigned myself to not trying to figure it out and being more grateful every day.
I guess the alternative is panicking and creating my own personal hell.

Oh, I’m really good at that. There’s a part of me that recognizes this moment as a time to slip into some old familiar feelings. Most of my life was chaos and uncertainty, but a part of me that I’m still growing towards just won’t allow it.

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Ehlie Luna